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用于汽车的未来的同轴高频元件 访问IMS CS电子目录
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IMS CS在高频连接器的开发和生产方面拥有几十年经验,是您身边富有能力的合作伙伴。IMS CS精确满足您的需求,为任何应用开发量身定做的同轴/高频元件和电缆组件。我们对连接器充满热情,但我们也可以制造电缆、同轴注塑、适配器、M2M配件、电缆套管和工具。请与我们直接联系,我们随时随地等待您的垂询。






来自黑林山的新闻 - 来自高频技术世界的新闻
Lear, IMS Connector Systems partner on high speed ethernet solutions

High-speed data transmission important for autonomous driving, connectivity

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., [June 10] — Lear Corporation (NYSE: LEA), a global automotive technology leader in Seating and E-Systems, today announced that it has signed a joint development agreement with IMS Connector Systems GmbH, a technology company based in Löffingen, Germany, specializing in high-speed Ethernet solutions for automotive applications.

IMS CS is proud to support Airbus to fulfil the increasing requirements within secure land communications.

Mission- and Business critical markets do need secure voice-based services. Systems that can handle 4G, 5G as well as TETRA technology express the increasing demand for modern communication systems like the TB4 from Airbus.

IMS CS supplies Airbus with its compact and easy to install 4.3-10, N and 7/16 coaxial connector series along with cable assemblies. The 4.3-10 connector series from IMS CS comes along with excellent PIM and superior electrical performance and various locking mechanisms. On top of that, the 4.3-10 is available in a watertight IP68 rated sealed version as well and of course is compliant with IEC 60529.

Compliance Information

我们关心自然环境和社会福利,希望人与自然和平共存。 对于尊贵的客户来说,我 们遵守相关的法律法规是非常重要的 。 为了更好地满足您的需求, IMS CS 已 经建 立了 专用联系渠道,以应对可能发生的 ROHS 、 IMDS 和冲突 矿产问题 。 您的 动力也是我们的动力 请不要犹豫,直接与我们邮件联系 。

RoHS: rohs@imscs.com
IMDS: imds@imscs.com
冲突矿产: conflictminerals@imscs.com

我们会认真处理您的信息,并尽快给您回 复!



例如,在与 mine&make GmbH 的合作中,我们共同开发并实践了一种新的创新流程;在与 Hahn-Schickard 的合作中,我们促进了数字流程链的发展;与弗劳恩霍夫高速动力学研究所(Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed-Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI)的合作中,我们成功实现了一款产品的电子化设计。

New year - new partnership

We are happy to have won with Sekorm a strong distributor for the Asian market.

With several subsidiaries in China, Sekorm offers excellent range of products for industrial electronics, communication electronics, intelligent devices, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, test and measurement equipment.

Find out more about Sekorm’s portfolio: 世强元件电商-智能硬件创新服务平台 (sekorm.com)

We are looking forward to a good cooperation!

New development HTP - High Speed Twisted Pair

IMS Connector Systems developed HTP – High Speed Twisted Pair – an automotive Multi Gigabit Ethernet Connector solution for the next generation of connected cars.

With increasing demand of in-vehicle processing power, electronic control units (ECU’s) and applications such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Infotainment & Navigation, component requirements have become more complex, requiring smaller form factors, lighter weight, ruggedization and higher bandwidth. This development of HTP series enables an extremely fast data communication for high bandwidth applications in the automotive sector.

MCA Serie - Optimized design and availability of serial parts

Modern cars have more and more sensors. Parking aids, proximity control systems, environment monitoring, and emergency brake assistants are all sensors that enable the measurement of distances and speeds. The car becomes the driver and the driver becomes the passenger.

To ensure safety, self-driving and automated vehicles require higher data rates in real time, to transmit the large amounts of data from different cameras, sensors and navigation sources that have to be combined. Thanks to the optimized design and the availability of serial parts, the MCA connector system from IMS Connector Systems meets these new requirements.

Partnership with HLC Ltd.

With HLC Ltd. as partner, IMS Connector Systems is further growing its representation in the US serving Industrial, Communication and Automotive customers “intelligent and easy”.

With HLC Ltd. We have found a great and proficient partner that shows deep know how and expertise in electronic components and assemblies. HLC’s professional sales staff cover the states of Illinois and Wisconsin.

Further information on HLC Ltd. can be found at https://www.hlcltd.com.

20 years IMS CS Suzhou

The concept of producing locally in China for the Chinese market has proven successful. “This anniversary is a milestone in our company history”, says Peter Peetz, CEO of the IMS Connector Systems Group. With its innovative solutions in the fields of precision engineering, electronics, RF technology and industrialization, the company inspires its worldwide customer base.

DigiPro - Solutions with Microsystem Technology In Cooperation with Hahn Schickard (Society for Applied Research)

In collaboration with Hahn Schickard, IMS Connector Systems is working on the project, DigiPro (digital process chain for individualized microsystems).
At this point, we can only reveal that the project is focused on suppling a product with individually manufactured sensor technology. Technically, DigiPro encompasses a single digital process chain for (3D printing, flexible laser structuring) a continuously digitized workflow from start to finish.

IMS Connector Systems offers solutions for precisely these types of interfaces for a range of application fields, based on a rich background of experience.

New Head of Innovation Development at IMS Connector Systems

Kevin Kreklow has assumed responsibilities for the global management of the Innovation Development Department at IMS Connector Systems.

Kevin brings with him extensive experience in developing sensor and medical device technologies. In his new role, he will be responsible for translating new ideas into cutting-edge products. In addition, Kevin will supervise the continued development of innovative and efficient solutions. Under Kevin’s direction, development processes will be optimized and digitalization of documentation will be further advanced.

Make impossible possible: Real-time communication via NEX10® (Miniature low PIM RF coax connector system)

The Smart City is quiet, safe, clean and green, digitally networked, with intelligent traffic control systems and environmentally friendly resource and energy management. For example, the smart street lighting regulates the brightness of passing cyclists, traffic light guidance systems register the approaching of buses or trucks, and give them longer green phases, navigation systems help visually impaired to orient oneself in train stations or shopping centers. As a licensee of the NEX10® series, IMS Connector Systems offers the perfect solution on all these issues.

5G - Fast Lane to the Future / Workshops with Ericsson

Autonomous vehicles will communicate with each other about traffic accidents and smartphones will be able to display how much milk is left in the refrigerator at home and control the heater to adjust the living room temperature.

Applications for 5G technology will need high data rates and high bandwidth. 5G is expected to have network speeds of 10Gbps.  How fast is 10Gbps? To download the contents of a DVD (4.7 GB), it takes about 13 minutes via a DSL connection with a bandwidth of 50 Mbps. A 5G enabled smartphone or laptop using a 5G connection could download the same DVD in just four seconds.
